
Taylor Haley, Pastor/Head of Staff
I grew up in a strong Christian home – so “strong” that when I went away to college I wanted nothing to do with faith or ministry. (Read more)

Sue Walby, Director of Music/Organist
I am a fourth generation member of a small rural Lutheran congregation, where I had the opportunity to accompany singing for the Sunday School, Bible School and Family League. (Read more)

Gwyn Straker, Parish P.T.
I have been a Presbyterian since birth. I do not remember a time in my life where I have not felt like a Christian. (Read more)

Deanna Lee, Director of Children and Youth Ministries
One of my passions is playing the Piano. Since 1995 I have operated a private piano studio in La Crosse. Read more.

Donna Schneider, Administrative Assistant
Even though I did not know what “Presbyterian” meant, I love working at First Pres because of the wonderful people I have met... (Read more)