Care Ministry
Board of Deacons
Deacons at First Presbyterian Church are charged with being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ, ministering to the sick, the infirm, the lonely, the depressed, the destitute and anyone in any kind of need in the example and name of our Savior. This ministry is done through acts of service, words of encouragement, gifts of generosity and a heart of mercy. Our Board of Deacons consists of church members called by the congregation to provide this quiet ministry. Deacons are often paired with homebound members and friends, and seek to encourage them with visits, cards and, at certain times of the year, home communion, developing lasting friendships.
Board of Deacons
Jane Radloff
Marilyn Johnson
Randy Nudd
Kelli Jerve
Curt Ruston
Cami Haley
Lousie Campbell
Bill Haviland
Dawn Martin
Prayer Ministry
The Prayer Ministry Team intercedes on behalf of church members and others seeking prayer support, with prayer serving as a link between God’s inexhaustible resources and people’s needs. The team’s efforts are two-fold:
1) to intercede – walking alongside other Christians helping them align themselves with the will of God,
2) to equip and encourage – serving as a role model of others to grow in their understanding and practice of prayer.
To share a confidential prayer request with the Prayer Ministry Team please email or contact the church office (608-784-4248) and they will forward your prayer request.
Community Care
The needs in our community are great and our pastor and congregation are intentional about responding at a personal level. Pastor Haley is available on a routine, scheduled basis to meet with community members experiencing need. The congregation supports assistance through their financial support to the Board of Deacons.

Prayer Shawl Ministry
A group of women meet to crochet & knit together as they make prayer shawls, lap blankets, hats and gloves for those in the congregation & outside our church. Shawls and blankets are given to those who could use a physical sign of love & support from the congregation to help them during a difficult time in life. This group also makes hats & gloves, donating them to many local places such as The Warming Center, Salvation Army, The Hospitality Center, Children & Family Center, and The Boys and Girls Club.
The group is made up of beginners & expert yarn folks who love to use this gift to share with others. We also love to fellowship together and pray over the items made in hopes they will bless the people who receive them. For more information email Marilyn Horn at