Frequently Asked Questions
- interactive, family-friendly worship at 9:30 am on Sunday mornings.
- meaningful worship that lasts about 1 hour
- children in worship with a weekly children's sermon, a special "worship blanket" for families with little ones, and optional staffed nursery with paid, trained staffed (mandatory background checks)
- mix of contemporary songs, hymns, congregational singing and choir
- special seasonal music and instrumental accompaniment
- projected visuals and songs on large screens
- coffee and refreshments after worship
- assistance with your wheelchair or walker, a modern elevator to reach each floor
- ample seating, some chairs with individual armrests for ease of sitting and standing
- accessible bathrooms and common areas
- people from all walks of life, educators to retired grandparents to business owners to farmers, dressed in Carhart overalls to a suit and tie -- come as you are!
- KICK. Our version of Sunday School for young children.
- opportunities to give financial gifts in worship or online, and opportunities to give of time and talent throughout the week in areas where you feel called and gifted
Phone: 608-784-4248 for church office.
Email:, Email addresses for staff can be found here.
Facebook: First Presbyterian of La Crosse
Following a building renovation in 2000, the campus of First Pres is fully accessible. An elevator serves the primary entrance (facing Cass St.) and designated parking stalls are located directly opposite this entrance. A ramp leads to the Fellowship Hall and fully accessible restrooms are located on each floor.
You are very welcome to participate in the life and worship of First Pres. We are inviting all into a transforming relationship with Christ, not into church membership.
An expansive parking lot, which can accommodate nearly 90 vehicles, serves both the main church building and the Coach House. Overflow parking is accommodated on 13th St. and on Cass St, beginning in the 1300 block. Reserved spaces for those with mobility concerns are located in close proximity to the front door (facing Cass St.)
All who claim Jesus as their Lord and Savior is invited to partake in the Lord’s Supper. Communion is routinely served at worship services on the first Sunday of the month at First Pres. At the parents’ discretion, children may receive communion. Only gluten-free bread is served at communion on Sundays.
Baptism is an outward sign of God’s claim on the life of an individual, adult or child. As a family of faith, the members of First Pres take a vow to assist the family in the Christian upbringing of their child(ren). Because the congregation assumes a corporate commitment to the baptized, the sacrament of baptism most commonly provided for members of this congregation. Non-member adults and the children of non-members may be baptized at the discretion of the Pastor with the Session’s approval.
Women are fully invested in the leadership of the Presbyterian Church (USA). The status that PC(USA) extends to women in its own life and work is one of the places where the church has had the opportunity to live up to its proclamations for the equality between genders. The first ordination of women as elders in this denomination occurred in 1962. As ministers, women were ordained beginning 1965.
You are invited to learn more about First Pres. Inquirer’s Classes are offered periodically, giving individuals an opportunity to learn about our denomination, our doctrine, and our local church. Attending the class does not obligate you to join the church, but does provide you with information to make a decision about membership. The class, led by our pastor, provides information about our foundational beliefs, the governing structure of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A), and the organization of our local church.
If you desire to join the church after attending the class, the next step is to meet with our Session. This meeting is an opportunity for prospective members to personally meet the elders of the church. It affords the elders an opportunity to learn about the new members. At this time, prospective members indicate their desire to join with the church. The congregation welcomes new members at a convenient Sunday worship service.
You are welcome to partner with us as we live into “More than just Sunday morning…” through our mission outreach to our community and our world. Opportunities for you to partner with us in reaching out in service include: delivering meals to homebound community members, preparing and serving a free community meal once a month, providing meals to the local Warming Center throughout the winter, serving on mission trips. Our youth leadership is intentional about providing meaningful mission opportunities each summer. On a rotating basis, the youth have the chance to serve local, regionally, nationally and internationally.
Portions of the church campus are available to the public for use. Please contact the office (608-784-4248) for information on available spaces, suggested donations and process for applying to use our spaces.
FAQ’s About Children’s Ministry
- There are opportunities like camps and other events year round.
- A children’s moment during the 9:30 worship service introduces the children to Biblical truths from that morning’s Scripture reading. The kids are led downstairs to KICK Kids Investigating Christ the King.
- During the summer Kids’ Camp moves the fun and learning outside.
- Children explore faith and service throughout the year through activities like Vacation Bible School, Operation Christmas Child Packing Party, Trunk or Treat and other events.
Our church has several great spaces for younger children and their parents in our church.
- Your child can be cared for in our bright and cheery nursery, staffed each Sunday.
- Families can cuddle on a blanket/quiet play place in both the chapel and sanctuary. These blanket spaces are tucked in a quiet corner of the sanctuary. You and your little one are welcome to sit in the blanket areas and play quietly throughout the service… we love having children in the service with us.
- Kids will enjoy exploring our children’s library located just outside the sanctuary. Under a bright canopy, you and your child can play, read, and do puzzles. Books and movies can be checked out from the children’s library.
- Nursing mothers find a quiet, private retreat in our library. A speaker system connects to the sanctuary so you may follow along with worship in a comfy glider rocker.
KICK Kids Investigating Christ the King, is our version of Sunday school. There is a Children's Moment at about 9:45 during the main worship service and then kids are led downstairs with staff for KICK. The nursery is also located there. Youth Group meetings are held the 1st and 3rd Sundays at 5:30 in the Coach House across the parking lot from the church.
No. Your children are welcome at any of our programs on Sunday mornings, monthly events and camps. If your child is new to the program we like for parents to fill out an informational form to help us get to know your child better.
Parents may decide when their child can start taking communion. Often you will see very young children partaking in communion; you also see parents asking their children to wait until they are older.
We have communion on the first Sunday of each month and we always bring the younger children back from Children’s Church early so they can be with their parents during communion. We do believe that the best way for children to learn about this sacrament is by watching their parents and other adults. We do talk with children about communion in Sunday School and Children’s Church.